A Cardigan Corgi A Cardigan Corgi
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The Welsh Corgi (IPA: /ˈkɔ(r)ˌgi/) is a dog breed that originated in Wales. They are believed to be descended from Swedish Vallhund dogs that came to Wales with the Vikings. more...

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Cor gi means "dwarf dog" in Welsh (and the OED gives the Welsh plural corgwn as an alternative to corgis).

An average Welsh Corgi is around 10 to 12 in (250 to 300 mm) tall at the tallest point in the shoulders and weighs approximately 30 lb (15 kg). Originally bred for herding sheep and cattle, Corgis are active dogs, and considered very intelligent. They have proven themselves excellent companion animals and are outstanding competitors in sheepdog trials and agility trials.

Welsh Corgis are generally recognized as two distinct breeds: the Cardigan and the Pembroke. For example, beginning in 1934, the American Kennel Club recognized them as separate breeds. The Cardigan is the larger of the two, with larger rounded ears and a foxy, flowing tail. The Pembroke features rounder ears and is somewhat smaller in stature. The tails of Pembrokes are traditionally docked to a flat-lying stub, making them appear tailless.The coats of both breeds come in a variety of colors, although there are some differences between the breeds.

The Pembroke was made popular by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, who keeps four at all times, and remains the more common variety. It is also the breed of dog of the character Ein in the popular anime, Cowboy Bebop.

For more details about each breed, see the breed-specific pages:

  • Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
  • Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

Corgis in movies and television

  • Little Dog Lost, a 1963 Disney movie, is centered on "Candy," who gets separated from his family, and must go on a journey to find them
  • "Edward", played by Bud, has a prominent role in the 1988 film The Accidental Tourist (Bud also appeared in the television show Dharma & Greg and the feature film Dave)
  • The 1991 motion picture Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead features "Elvis"
  • Bud and Cody, brothers, are the best buddies of the First Lady "Ellen Mitchell" (played by Sigourney Weaver) in the 1993 movie Dave
  • Ein, the 'data dog' is a Welsh Corgi in the anime series Cowboy Bebop


  • Diana, Princess of Wales

Read more at Wikipedia.org

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Prices current as of last update, 02/18/25 6:21am.

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