A tri-colour Beagle.The Beagle has a very well-developed sense of smellThe rare instance of a Beagle taking a break.
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A Beagle is a medium-sized dog breed and a member of the hound group, similar in appearance to a Foxhound but smaller with shorter legs, and with longer, softer ears. Beagles are scent hounds used primarily for hunting rabbits to larger hares. more...

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Spinone ItalianoSpinone Italiano
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Standard SchnauzerStandard Schnauzer
Teddy Roosevelt TerrierTeddy Roosevelt Terrier
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The Beagle has a somewhat oval skull; a medium-length, square-cut muzzle; large, hound-like hazel or brown eyes; long, low-set ears (big), turning towards the cheeks slightly and rounded at the tips; a medium-length, strong neck without folds in the skin; a broad chest narrowing to a tapered abdomen and waist; a short, slightly curved tail; an overall muscular body; and a medium-length, smooth, hard coat. One standard calls for ideally shaped beagles to be twice as long as tall, and twice as tall as wide.

They appear in a range of colors, not limited to the familiar tricolor (white with large black and light brown spots). Two-color varieties are always white with colored areas, including such colors as "lemon", a very light tan; "red", a reddish, almost orangish brown; "liver", a darker brown, is the only colour not allowed. "Ticked" varieties may be either white or black with different colored spots ("ticking"), such as the bluetick beagle, which has spots that appear to be a midnight-blue color, similar to the bluetick coonhound. Some tricolor beagles also have ticking of various colors in their white areas. The brown is usually the last color to appear on beagles, usually taking 1-2 years to fully develop.

Breed varieties

The American Kennel Club and the Canadian Kennel Club recognize two separate varieties of Beagle: the 13-inch for hounds less than 13 inches, and the 15-inch for those between 13 and 15 inches. The Kennel Club (UK) and FCI affiliated clubs recognize a single type, with a height of between 13 and 16 inches.

In Medieval times, there was a breed called a "pocket beagle", which stood at 8–9 inches. This breed no longer exists, and many claims by some breeders to have pocket beagles for sale usually indicate poor breeding practices.


The Beagle has a very good temper and gentle disposition. Beagles are intelligent, but are stubborn and may be hard to train (due to their strong will). They are an especially loyal breed and are very friendly. They rarely show signs of aggression, and are excellent with children. Beagles also get along with other dogs, provided that they have been socialized correctly.

They are playful and energetic dogs who enjoy long walks. Never let a Beagle off its leash except in a confined area. If released, it may follow a scent endlessly or will incessantly try to tag along with other dogs.

Beagles are pack animals, and can be prone to separation anxiety. Beagles are best in pairs if they are going to be alone for long periods of time.


Beagles are a healthy breed, often living for 12 to 15 years, but they do have a few common health problems.

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Click to see more Beagle items at www.ebay.com
Prices current as of last update, 02/27/25 10:35am.

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